All types of Music for all ages, "Bring the Kids, Bring the Parents"
All types of Music for all ages, "Bring the Kids, Bring the Parents"
TeamTuneTrivia is a live hosted ‘Name That Tune’ type game where we play short clips of music, and teams or players receive one point for naming the band or artist and one point for naming the title of the song. There are 10 short clips per round of play and a full ‘bonus’ song. A team can be a single person, small or large group of peopl
TeamTuneTrivia is a live hosted ‘Name That Tune’ type game where we play short clips of music, and teams or players receive one point for naming the band or artist and one point for naming the title of the song. There are 10 short clips per round of play and a full ‘bonus’ song. A team can be a single person, small or large group of people playing together. 10 short clips of music are played, teams talk among themselves to choose an answer, then a full ‘bonus song’ is played worth 5 points. Teams turn in their score sheets; a natural 10 minute break is created while the host scores the answer sheets. The host then replays a portion of each song while giving the answers, team scores are then announced from lowest to highest and the next round of music is begun.
In a two hour time period, we usually play 5 ‘rounds’ (10 clips and a bonus song) and group the music into MusicThemes. A ‘Theme’ can be topical, timely, or just fun. For instance, July 4th naturally create patriotic themes, ‘The Red White and Blue’, ‘Pure Patriotism’ or ‘Independence’. Yearly events like the Grammy’s or the Oscars give i
In a two hour time period, we usually play 5 ‘rounds’ (10 clips and a bonus song) and group the music into MusicThemes. A ‘Theme’ can be topical, timely, or just fun. For instance, July 4th naturally create patriotic themes, ‘The Red White and Blue’, ‘Pure Patriotism’ or ‘Independence’. Yearly events like the Grammy’s or the Oscars give inspiration for MusicThemes. We always start with a ‘Countback’ round of new songs going back in time to older songs, always play both newer and older music making a great game for 2 or 3 generations to join together as a team. We research well, and play a variety of new and older music from Pop, Country, Rock, TV themes, Broadway songs etc., and always keep it light and fun.
Follow link below to submit YOUR MusicTheme NOW!